
The golden hour

camera setting: F 1.8, 1/400, ISO 100, lens 85mm

"In photography, the golden hour  is the first and last hour of  sunlight during the day, when a specific photographic effect is achieved due to the quality of the light."  Wikipedia.

I have few photos that I can call my best ones. I guess the two major reasons are the light and my kids being in it...last independent day we spent some good time (eating meat..) in the park with friends and suddenly it happened. The kids were sitting in a perfect spot under the warm lovely beautiful light of the golden hour. My camera was in my hands and I couldn't stop clicking. Big brother friend's grandpa came to me few months after I took this photos and said: "next year same time same place. see you there." One magical moment two beautiful kids and a camera. This is my sunshine...

Now, after I revealed the source of my blog's banner on the top, I must create a new one.All I need is  a well lighten (day light!!!) place, very high ladder and a wooden table that I can color. Anyone???

1 comment:

  1. אמאל'ה מה זה הדבר המהמם הזה???
    שני חמודים, מהממיםםםם.
    יניקי הזה... אין עליו..
