
Dinner tonight

It was a long day. The usual stuff and a huge headache I couldn't find a minute to sit and write the post. But here we are with the first dinner of the week. I chose to start with the biggest challenge, try to make big brother eat broccoli. Efrat from what-efrat sent me this suggestion for dinner. Thanks Efrat! It's sure a brave one,but since eggs variations are populer this days in oue home I gave it a try. Broccoli omelet with cottage cheese cloud and chopped salad. Very basic with a twist.. Simmer the broccoli 10-12 minutes and cut to small pieces. Add to a pan with butter fried 3-4 minuted and add the eggs. Simple.
This is definetly not a food blog. There are some great one around...that give you recipes and very detailed how to. This week I'm offering suggestions and sometimes I'll write shortly the "how to".
You really don't think I'm that kind of mother that feeds her kids with healthy green food and that's it...big no! So after big brother finished his plate I treated him with his favorite homemade cookies. Classic recipe that I use for years and always work! Martha's caeky chocolate chips cookies! 
One last thing, to save some time tomorrow, I already cooked the vegetables stock..you should too :) only this three ingratiates and water and you have a stoke! I like to be prepared...maybe becase I'm not that kind of person, and when it's happens I'm proud of myself!
See you tomorrow same place hopefully earlier...BETEAVON!

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